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An original mixture of TRX and Yoga to make you suppler, stronger and more balanced, reducing stress through respiratory exercises and meditation, The perfect way to prepare you for more advanced Yoga techniques.

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This is Front de Seine’s Cross TRX, Using TRX straps, kettleballs, sandbags, wall balls and slam balls, your coach will lead you through a complete strength and cardio-vascular routine to make you fitter and stronger.

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A complete strength workout using only TRX straps. Working your whole body (arms, legs, back, pectorals etc) through a technique of forced instability and research of balance, you will improve your body posture and general strength. This in turn will have a positive effect on your sports performances.

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44 rue Emeriau, 75015 Paris

01 45 75 35 37 client@frontdeseine.net

Located in the heart of the 15th arrondissement of Paris, Front de Seine welcomes you every day from 6:45 am to 11:15 pm from Monday to Thursday, from 6:45 am to 10:15 pm on Fridays and from 8:30 am to 7:30 pm on weekends.

Métro Dupleix
Métro Charles Michels
RER Javel
Monday — Thursday6h45 — 23h15
Friday6h45 — 22h15
Saturday — Sunday8h00 — 20h30